Corporate Standard on delivery and / or receipt of gifts, payments, favors and others
The Corporate Standard on delivery and / or receipt of gifts, payments, favors and others regulates the behavior that we must maintain towards clients, suppliers and others, regarding the offering of gifts, favors, invitations, commissions, fees, money or income from any type, that we could deliver or receive either within or outside the fulfillment of our functions, and that exceed the rules of courtesy and commercial standards, in order to avoid improper conduct and acts of corruption.
Corporate Standard on conflicts of interest
The Corporate Standard on conflicts of interest regulates the behavior that we must maintain in the performance of our activities, practicing at all times the high ethical content, as well as loyalty, independence, transparency and impartiality, in order to avoid real or apparent conflicts between our own interests and those of the Corporation.
Corporate Standard for business with State agencies and relationship with public officials
The Corporate Standard for business with State agencies and relationship with public officials regulates the behavior that we must maintain when in the performance of our functions and in the various activities of representation of the Corporation, we have relationship with public officials in business with organizations, institutions, companies and other public sector entities, as well as in carrying out all kinds of procedures and procedures to obtain licenses, authorizations, certificates, permits, among others.
Corporate Standard on the control of reputational risks and corruption in business with third parties
The Corporate Standard on the control of reputational risks and corruption in business with third parties establishes the policies, procedures and internal mechanisms that will allow us to identify the risks to which we may be exposed in our relationships and business with third parties, seeking to prevent, through compliance with the procedures and policies that are described, being involved in a corruption issue or in the commission of a related crime.
Corporate Due Diligence Standard for Clients, Suppliers and Collaborators
The Corporate Due Diligence Standard for Clients, Suppliers and Collaborators establishes the internal procedures and mechanisms that we must follow to know the background of the natural or legal persons with whom we are going to interact commercially, both at the time of initiating the relationship and throughout the same, especially to identify possible acts of corruption.